Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Jaundice & a First Bath

We had a little bit of trouble with Christopher being jaundiced as his bilirubin levels got WAY too high so we had to get re-admitted to the hospital on Thanksgiving. Poor James totally missed Thanksgiving dinner. I did too but I wasn't really too concerned about that. They made me up a nice microwave dinner when I got to the hospital, gag. I just felt terrible that I had to leave Madelyn again. She ended up being a real sport about it though. The doctors thought that we would have to stay for 48 hrs. at best but Christopher did really well under the bili-lights and we were able to go home the next day, yea! Christopher is still over 5 points higher than normal on his bili labs but he's doing ok. I just wish there was some sun we could put him in so he could get better that way.
Madelyn is such a helper girl. She really wanted to give Christopher his first bath. I told her about how all I had to do was hold her head and the rest of her body would float by itself for her first bath so she wanted to do that with Christopher. She did a great job. Madelyn would really like to help out more so James and I are really looking forward to Christopher becoming stronger and a little less fragile.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee! He is sooooo cute!! We are so glad he got here and that everything we so well!! I cannot wait to told him!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It'll be fun to see the little guy in a few weeks. I'm sure the kids will love to see a little one around...I don't think they remember how small newborn babies are.

heidi nielsen said...

My kids snotty noses are gone at last so I feel like I can finally hang out with you and the little guy. Can't wait.

Bethany said...

That top picture looks a lot like a James look, how fun. Can't wait to smell that baby skin. He's a cutie!